What's Powerful About the CrossFit Community
It sounds like an extreme statement, but CrossFit changes lives. It’s unlikely that coming to a class your first day at the gym will be a life changing experience (or maybe it will!) but very few singular days will actually make life altering impacts on your life when you think about it. What does make an impact is the collection of days and the habits we carry out in each of them. It’s easy to understand which habits and choices are smart for ourselves, but much harder to actually follow through with them.
In our previous blog we discussed that mentality plays a huge part in the success of your overall physical performance. What you’ll notice from the CrossFit community, at 8th Day Gym and other affiliates, is that the mentality of others at the gym is of positivity.

Attacking the Challenge
At the end of the day, the members at 8th Day Gym are human. So not every lift is a PR and not every workout is completed RX. But what is expected from our community is that you continue to bring your best when you walk through the doors. Your mentality should be one where you embrace the challenge and encourage others to do the same.
Growing with Others
There is something very special about overcoming challenges with others. When you’re working your hardest and want to quit but hear the cheers of a person going through the same pain you are, it makes you want to keep going. Alternatively, encouraging and recognizing the positive changes in others will remind you of why the work put in matters. It’s amazing to see the change in yourself after months of commitment, and it’s also amazing to see it in those who were by your side.
Sharing a Lifestyle
If you are attending CrossFit regularly, it means that you are a person who is making fitness a priority in their life. It is possible to achieve fitness goals without the gym, coaching, or community of a CrossFit affiliate gym, but it is a solo mission and not for everyone. Surrounding yourself with others who want to better their lives physically and mentally builds everyone up. There’s a noticeable energy of sharing the same goals with others on a daily basis, even for just that hour. Because ultimately it’s about the collection of those hours that goes into building our character.
Are people who don’t choose to work out everyday bad people? Absolutely not. Are people who choose to work out alone bad people? Again, no. Being a part of a CrossFit community simply provides an encouraging environment to improve physically with people who share that interest with you. The community provides a place to share your successes with others and improve your weaknesses. The community provides a space to learn and grow without judgement. That’s what’s so powerful about it.